99+ Custom ChatGPT assistants for your daily use.

Examples :
- Product Manager GPT
- Prompt Generation
- Languages teachers
- Code GPTs

It's free :)


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Do Crazy things
with AI. 🤯 ​

Unlock the full potential of AI & Automation with AI Ultimate ToolBox, a premium resource for mastering AI tools and techniques.

Designed for both beginners and seasoned entrepreneurs, this all-in-one resource provides you with everything you need to harness the power of AI effortlessly.

0 small talks.
99+ practical power’ups for your business.

Feeling bored limited with ChatGPT?
That's the next level 🆙 ⏫ 🚀

AI & Automation Templates

Forget about Make and Zapier, I will show you how to get your own unlimited automation platform for 5€/month

Prompt Database

Copy and paste from the prompt database. 100+ prompts to adapt to your own business.

Custom GPT's

How to find, create and use Custom GPT‘s on chatGPT.

🤯 Do AMAZING things with AI.

Who am I?

From Frustration to Breakthrough 💡

Hey there, it’s Loic 🙋‍♂️. As a co-founder of a marketing agency 🌊, I’ve helped 100+ businesses and entrepreneurs skyrocket their sales with AI & automations 🤖.

I’ve reached millions of impressions and driven real results. But it’s not just about the numbers – it’s about freedom and flexibility and sharing things that are practical and that you can use everyday .

As I was tired of feeling overwhelmed by AI tools and techniques ( or litterally paying hundreds for a Stup*d list of prompts) 🤯.

I created the AI Ultimate ToolBox, a premium resource where I share real life tools and resources of what I do  in my businesses and help your growth 🚀

Loic Moncany

Unlimited freedom to learn and apply the methods for your own business

Take a LOok inside 👀 ✨

AI Buddy

Create your business buddy (assistant) with our persona generator and your datas. Create content with YOUR voice and your own products.

Google Sheet on steroids

Stop paying for stupid Google sheet extensions that will give you fake AI super powers. in exchange of a monthly subscription. #savemoney with our content machine.

Advanced Video Tutorials

As a business owner, I see a lot of BS online about AI. I’m here to give you practical, advanced and powerful AI tools & Tutorials that will save you time, money and hassle.

Bonus : Get Beta Access my WordPress plugins

Yep, I’m also building wordpress plugins, mainly automate content and SEO ranking on the search engines, and you will get access first.

Social Media System

I’m lazy to post. So I built a system to automate social media content creation.

AI Chatbots

How to make AI work for you – Customer support chatbot that knows all your website datas.

And much more like ... automated SEO content (the quality one), Tutorials, ninja techniques

AI Ultimate ToolBox -Launch Offer



* The price of one month of Premium Netflix. You have the choice. Zero Risk.


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